Delivery Policy

As a customer on our platform, you have the flexibility to choose between two delivery options: Seller's Own Delivery (Seller Store Delivery) and Maribali Delivery. Below is the standard delivery policy that outlines the details of each option:

  1. Seller's Own Delivery:
    • Some sellers on our platform may have their own preferred logistics service for delivering orders.
    • When selecting this option, the responsibility for arranging and managing the delivery process lies with the seller.
    • The seller will provide the necessary information (address, contact details, etc.) for coordinating the delivery with their preferred logistics provider.
    • It is important to note that any costs, damages, or delays associated with the delivery will be the responsibility of the seller.
    • Any disputes or issues related to the delivery should be resolved directly between you and the seller.
  2. Maribali Delivery:
    • Our platform offers Maribali Delivery, a reliable and efficient delivery service provided in partnership with Maribali.
    • When choosing this option, the delivery will be handled by Maribali Delivery from the point of dispatch to the final delivery destination.
    • The delivery timeline and charges may vary depending on factors such as delivery location, size, weight, and other considerations. You will be provided with an estimated delivery date and tracking details for your order when using Maribali Delivery.
    • In the event of any damages or discrepancies with the delivered items, you can contact our platform's customer support for assistance in resolving the issue.
  3. Note:
    • The choice between Seller's Own Delivery and Maribali Delivery can be made during the checkout process on our platform.
    • It is important to review the delivery options and associated terms and conditions provided by the seller for accurate and up-to-date information.
    • Maribali will not be responsible for additional costs in the case of failed delivery.
    • Our platform reserves the right to modify or update the delivery policy, and any changes will be communicated to you through appropriate channels.

Please keep in mind that this is a generalized delivery policy, and the specific details may vary depending on the platform or individual sellers. It is always recommended to review the delivery policy provided by the specific seller or platform you are using for accurate and up-to-date information regarding your delivery options.