One Man's View of the World (Lee Kuan Yew) Chinese

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A best-selling book by former prime minister Lee Kuan Yew, One Man's View Of The World, will be available in Chinese from today.
Mr Lee spent more than five decades representing Singapore on the international stage as prime minister, senior minister and minister mentor.
During this time, he met influential world figures, including the top leaders of China, from Mao Zedong in 1976 to current President Xi Jinping; and of the United States, from Lyndon B. Johnson in 1967 to current President Barack Obama.
In the 11-chapter book, Mr Lee, 90, reflects candidly on life and death. The first seven chapters cover countries and regions: China, the United States, Europe, other Asian powers, South-east Asia, Singapore and the Middle East. Mr Lee also gives his views on the global economy and climate change.
The final chapter is a conversation between him and an old friend, the former chancellor of West Germany, Mr Helmut Schmidt, on leadership and Europe.
A team from The Straits Times provided research and editorial material, and conducted a series of interviews with Mr Lee. Excerpts of these interviews are included in each chapter.
The Chinese edition of One Man's View Of The World is the latest in a series of books published by Singapore Press Holdings on Mr Lee. Another which has also been published in Chinese is Hard Truths To Keep Singapore Going (2011), which sets out Singapore's domestic challenges.
Mr Lee spent more than five decades representing Singapore on the international stage as prime minister, senior minister and minister mentor.
During this time, he met influential world figures, including the top leaders of China, from Mao Zedong in 1976 to current President Xi Jinping; and of the United States, from Lyndon B. Johnson in 1967 to current President Barack Obama.
In the 11-chapter book, Mr Lee, 90, reflects candidly on life and death. The first seven chapters cover countries and regions: China, the United States, Europe, other Asian powers, South-east Asia, Singapore and the Middle East. Mr Lee also gives his views on the global economy and climate change.
The final chapter is a conversation between him and an old friend, the former chancellor of West Germany, Mr Helmut Schmidt, on leadership and Europe.
A team from The Straits Times provided research and editorial material, and conducted a series of interviews with Mr Lee. Excerpts of these interviews are included in each chapter.
The Chinese edition of One Man's View Of The World is the latest in a series of books published by Singapore Press Holdings on Mr Lee. Another which has also been published in Chinese is Hard Truths To Keep Singapore Going (2011), which sets out Singapore's domestic challenges.
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